Snow Advisory

The City of Revere is instituting a snow emergency parking ban, effective tomorrow, January 19, at 6PM. Vehicles not moved from major arteries are subject to being towed. Discounted parking at Wonderland Station is available.Submit a 311 Request

Aviso de Nieve y Estacionamiento

La Prohibición de estacionamiento de emergencia  dará inicio el domingo 19 de enero a las 6 p.m. Los automóviles que no se retiren de las arterias principales serán remolcados. Habrá estacionamiento con descuento disponible en la estación Wonderland.

Winter Weather Information

Dial 311 (or 781-286-8311) for non-emergency snow related requests, such as an unplowed street or a downed tree branch. For any emergency dial 911. For a downed power line or electrical outage, call National Grid at 800-867-5222 or visit their Outage Map.

Winter Weather Announcements

Announcements of snow emergencies shall be made on the City of Revere’s homepage, the Revere 311 Facebook page, the Revere311 Twitter page, the CodeRed notification service, local radio stations, newspapers, and Revere’s Community Access Television Channels. Announcements that the snow emergency ban has been lifted will be made in the same manner.

Winter Storm Road Treatment and Snow Removal

During heavy commuting times crews will make every effort to keep the major roadways clear of snow and ice. Top priority will be given to heavily traveled roads to insure everyone’s safety. Secondary and side streets will be cleared as soon as possible.

Pretreatment of roads (1-2 inches of accumulated snow)

When precipitation begins, DPW responds by pre-treating the main roads. Salting of main roads and public transportation/school bus routes will allow traffic to keep moving and prevent snow from bonding to the pavement. After initial roadway treatment an evaluation will be made if additional treatment will be required.

Snow Clearing (2 inches or greater)

Snow plowing begins when snow accumulates to two (2) or more inches. During the plowing operations, it is the City’s policy to focus on main streets, emergency routes, public transportation/school bus routes and hill sections of the city. During prolonged snowstorms, it is necessary for the operators to make repeated passes on the main streets to keep traffic moving, which may create a delay for the plows getting into the neighborhoods. Secondary streets are worked on after the main streets have been opened. During the storm, the emphasis for secondary streets is to create a single passable lane down the middle that can be navigated for vehicle travel. DPW will continue to monitor the conditions of the roadways and determine if additional snow clearing equipment is needed or if equipment may need to be reassigned to another section of the city.

Post Storm Clean-up and Clearing

Once the precipitation has ended, DPW conducts a final citywide snow clearing operation. This operation includes snow removal, street widening (curb-to-curb), and general cleanup to make the roadways safe for vehicular and pedestrian traffic. DPW will prioritize based on order of importance as follows:

  1. Main streets and public transportation/school bus routes are treated to achieve the safest possible conditions.
  2. Residential streets with hills and major intersections are treated to improve traction and safety.
  3. Flat streets are treated only if icy conditions exist.
  4. Downtown and other business areas are treated and snow removal may take place if needed.
  5. Snow piles at intersections are pulled away from the corners to improve sight lines.
  6. Snow removal on narrow streets that prevent access for emergency and public service vehicles.

Important Safety Reminders

  • When driving, please stay 200 feet behind any snowplow and NEVER pass a plow truck as visibility is limited for the snowplow operator.
  • Do not allow children to play on or around the street during a storm or after a storm. In addition, please make sure that children do not build snow forts or tunnels around adjacent areas of the road in snow banks including driveway and cul-de-sac banks. Children's toys and sledding areas should be kept far away from the street.

Snow Plow Applications

If you are interested in being placed on the list of supplemental city snow plow operators, download the Snow Plow Application and W9 form. Along with the completed application and W9 Form, we are required to keep copies of your registration and insurance policy. Without this additional documentation you will not be put on our Snow Plowing list. Applications should be submitted to Revere DPW, 319 Charger St., Revere, MA 02151. With any additional questions, call 781-286-8311.


Announcements of snow emergencies shall be made by as many means available, including the City of Revere’s website, Facebook page, Twitter page, CodeRed alert service, local radio stations, local newspapers, and Revere’s Community Access Television Channels. Announcements that the snow emergency ban has been lifted will be made in the same manner.


The CodeRED system allows for the City to quickly deliver emergency messages and important municipal information to targeted areas or to the entire City. Residents will be able to receive the notices by land-line phones, cellphones, emails and text messages.

Sign up for the CodeRed notification service

Snow Emergency Parking Ban

Parking is prohibited on streets signed No Parking during a declared Snow Emergency. Once a snow emergency has been declared, all vehicles must be removed from the streets subject to the snow emergency parking ban. Parking regulations are strictly enforced to ensure streets remain accessible for snowplows, fire apparatus and other emergency vehicles. Any vehicle that impedes the snow removal process will be ticketed and towed.

This is a list of affected streets. For a map of snow ban streets visit the City's GIS Map using the QuickMaps feature in the upper right corner of the page, scroll down to select the "Snow Emergency Parking Restrictions" map.

Additional Street Parking Ban

All streets citywide will be evaluated on a daily basis by the Superintendent of Public Works. If it is determined that on-street parking, in addition to the streets subject to the snow emergency parking ban, will cause a public safety issue to emergency response vehicles, the Superintendent will post temporary no parking signs to maintain safe and adequate vehicle travel. Any vehicle that impedes the snow removal process will be ticketed and towed.

If Your Vehicle Has Been Towed

If your Vehicle has been towed, please call the Revere Police Department at 781-284-1212 for information on how to retrieve it.


DPW tries to minimize the amount of snow that gets plowed across driveways. Unfortunately, snow will be pushed into driveways by the plow trucks during a snow and ice event as we perform curb-to-curb plowing. This is an unavoidable inconveniency as plow blades cannot be lifted as they pass by a driveway. During an extended snow event it could be necessary for a plow to make multiple visits to your street. If you clear your driveway before plowing is done curb-to-curb, expect to have snow that comes off the plow at the end of the driveway. You may wish to clear your driveway several times during the storm or wait until the storm and plowing activities have ended.

When removing snow from your driveway at roads edge it is best to do so left to the right facing the street allowing the plow to move it past your driveway and not back in it. Please keep in mind that if you live on a one-way street shovel to side with traffic flow.

One of the major challenges during snow removal operations is snow being shoveled back onto plowed streets. As a reminder, snow cleared from driveways may not be deposited onto the street, especially streets that have already been plowed. Shoveling snow onto public roadways creates hazardous conditions to drivers and pedestrians, interferes with drainage of melting snow and is prohibited by City Ordinance 12.04.350C and violators will be fined 12.04.350D.


Please cooperate in keeping your sidewalks clear so emergency personnel, mail carriers, school children and pedestrians can safely use the public walkways and avoid having to walk into the street.

The DPW will remove snow from sidewalks along selected routes that are heavily traveled by children on their way to and from school, designated sidewalks in the downtown area, and other city-owned property. Sidewalk clearing will not begin until after the snow has stopped falling. If there are back-to-back storms, sidewalks will not be cleared until the second storm has passed.

Talk to your neighbor. Some people need help or don’t know the ordinance. Neighbors helping neighbors is an important part of our community and an easy way to fix the problem.

Fire Hydrants

Fire personnel work to clear as many hydrants as possible. If you are able, please assist our firefighters by removing snow from around fire hydrants near your home. It could save firefighters precious time helping you or a neighbor in an emergency!

Better yet, adopt your neighborhood fire hydrant and keep it clear of snow and ice.

Storm Drain Blockage

After a large snowfall accumulation, and as the temperatures increase, the potential for flooding exists. If it's safe and possible to do, we appreciate your effort to clear ice and snow away from the drain as much as possible in order to help water flow and prevent pooling and flooding that may result from melting snow.

If you are unable to clear the ice and snow yourself, please call 311 (or 781-286-8311) or report this issue at Please make sure you provide the address where the storm drain is located. Public Works will prioritize these issues.

Salt Barrels

The public works department has placed barrels of salt throughout neighborhoods for resident’s personal use on sidewalks/driveways. No stock piling is allowed. The use of municipal salt for the treatment of private roads is prohibited. Residents should be aware that the product is heavy and can be corrosive. For a list of locations, please click on this link: DPW Salt Barrel Locations

Trash and Recycling Weather Notice

Capital Waste will make every effort to complete trash and recycle collection on the scheduled day during snow events. In the event that weather conditions prohibit them from completing collections, we will update the the Department of Public Work website, Revere311 Facebook page, and Revere311 Twitter page with information related to any delays.

Please think of the plows when placing your carts out. If your curbside trash/recycling pickup coincides with plowing activities, make sure your trash can and recycling bin are well behind the curb so the plow will not hit them. Residents should take special care to ensure that trash and recycling carts are accessible with a 3-foot clearance around the cart to all obstacles, such as tall snow banks, other carts, overflow bags, mailboxes, trees, and parked cars.

Trash and recycling collections may be canceled if weather conditions warrant. Again check the Department of Public Work website, Revere311 Facebook page, and Revere311 Twitter page for updates on changes to regularly scheduled collections.

Additional Storm Information

For helpful information and tips on preparing and weathering potential winter storms click here: American Red Cross

For the latest updates on winter storms click here: National Weather Service

For the latest on power outages: National Grid - Power Outage Map or call 1-800-867-5222

To report downed power lines: call 911 or National Grid at 1-800-867-5222.

To report a hazardous tree emergency, contact the Public Works Department at 781-286-8149.

In an emergency, please call 911. DO NOT post emergency situations to social media.

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