Snow Advisory

The City of Revere is instituting a snow emergency parking ban effective Saturday, February 8, at 8PM. Vehicles not removed from major arteries are subject to towing. Submit a 311 Request

Photos on Revere.Org

We are fortunate to have a number of incredibly talented photographers among us here in the City of Revere. This website would not have been possible, and would not look nearly as good as it does, without the incredible photographs we received for this site. 

To the best of our ability, below is the list of photographers that we wish to thank and credit for their work.

Several photographs for this site were submitted from Revere High School students participating in photography and Photoshop coursework. Thank you to those who submitted, including:

  • Nadia DeSimone
  • Yosep Le
  • Taryn Roberts

We also received photographs, and wish to sincerely thank the following individuals for their photgraphy on the site:

  • Ricci LaCentra
  • Claude Mondestin
  • Randall Mondestin

If there is a photo on the website that is yours and we have neglected to give you credit, please use the Feedback Form to let us know which page and which photo. Thanks. 

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