Snow Advisory

Snow emergency parking ban to be lifted at 10AM on Sunday, February 9. Submit a 311 Request

Building Division

The job of the Building Department is to ensure the safety and welfare of the general public by enforcing all State and City Ordinance Building Codes.


Work Hours

Monday thru Saturday from 8:00AM - 9:00PM

Work is not permitted on Sundays & Holidays

Any work outside of these hours is prohibited except by Special Permit of the Building Commissioner

Apply for a Permit

All permits overseen by Building Department staff can be applied for online only through the City’s epermitting portal (if you get a 404 error hit refresh and it should work). This includes Building, Plumbing, Gas, Electrical, Mechanical, Sheet Metal Permit, a Certificate of Occupancy, or for Site Plan Review.* 

Online Permitting System  Instructions for Online Permitting

(if you get a 404 error hit refresh and it should work)

Due to the particularly high level of construction taking place in the City at the moment, please allow extra time to await a response from the Building Department.

Note that by state law, any contractor who has not uploaded into the system a valid contractor license or completed a Workers’ Compensation Affidavit will not be issued a permit until the correct information is made available.

You must provide a working email address where responses from the Building Department can be sent and will be read. Responses may include corrections needed on your application, or a request for payment for an approved permit.

* IMPORTANT: Weekly Site Plan Review Submission Deadline. To fully comply with the Massachusetts Open Meeting Law, Site Plan Review applications are due no later than 4PM on the Wednesday preceding the next regularly scheduled Site Plan Review Committee meeting. Applications received after the deadline will be placed on the agenda for the following regularly scheduled Site Plan Review Committee meeting.

Permit Fees

Public Records Request

Building Department Permits Applied for Since 2018 are Available to View Online.  

The City makes permit applications, permit reviews, inspections, and documents available for public view for all permit applications in CitizenServe. The City has been using CitizenServe since March, 2018. We urge the public to utilize this system prior to contacting department staff. If you are unable to find what you are seeking in this system, we are definitely happy to provide any assistance you need.

Steps to View Online Permits 

  1. Visit If you get an error message, just refresh your browser and it should pop up. This happens sometimes. 
  2. Register for an account or Log in. Click the Login icon at the top right. If you are new to Citizenserve you will have to register by creating a username and password.
  3. Search. Once logged in, click on the Search menu item at the top of the page. 
  4. File Type: In the File Type dropdown you will see three options: Permits, Licensing and Developmental projects.
    • For Building Department Permits, including Building, Electrical, Plumbing, Gas, Sheet Metal, Mechanical, and more, select Permits.
    • For any health-related annual licenses select Health, including food, dumpster, others.
    • For Site Plan Review select Development Projects 
  5. Enter the address. For better results, we advise entering only the street number and street name, without adding in the suffix "street", "road", "ave", etc. 

Additional Notes

  • Permits are applied for at their legal assessing address. Sometimes the Post Office has a different address listed than the legal address in our Assessing Department database. If that occurs you can find the legal address by map or database, or enter the Parcel ID if you have that.
  • This search would only work for permits applied since March, 2018. Anything prior to that date you should put your request through the City Clerk


Forms and Links

Request to Terminate Electrical Permit
To terminate an Electrical Permit application, you must complete this document and obtain a registered notary signature
Permit Cancellation - Plumbing and Gas
To cancel an issued permit, you must complete this document and obtain a registered notary signature
Application for Permit to perform Electrical Work
If you do not have liability insurance, please fill out the insurance coverage portion of this form and submit with your online application.
Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU)
Please refer to the attached link for information regarding Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) requirements in the City of Revere.

Relevant ordinances


When is a building permit required?

Anyone seeking to construct, alter, or demolish a structure or install a sign must first obtain a building permit from a building inspector at the Inspectional Services Department. The building permit must be obtained before the start of any work and must be prominently posted at the job site.

Contact Information & Hours
Mon. 8 am – 7 pm
Tues. 8 am – 5 pm*
Wed. 8 am – 5 pm
Thur. 8 am - 5 pm
Fri. 8 am - 12 pm

*Open till 7pm following Monday holiday
Building, Plumbing & Electrical Inspection Requests:
Mon.-Thur. 8:15am- 9:30am
Fri. 8am - 9am
Inspectors Office Hours:
Mon.-Thurs. 8:15am- 9:30am | 4pm-5pm
Fri. 8am-9am | 11am-12pm
Louis Cavagnaro
Building Commissioner
Richard Dicks
Senior Building Inspector
Jorge Martins
Local Building Inspector
Hazem Hamdan
Local Building Inspector
Matteo Fabiano
Electrical Inspector
Jamie Nadworny
Electrical Inspector
Paris Argyropoulos
Electrical Inspector
Mark Locke
Plumbing Inspector
Marcia Mendes
Principal Clerk
Valerie Moscone
Principal Clerk
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