Snow Advisory

The snow emergency parking ban has been lifted. As a reminder to residents and businesses, the City requires that sidewalks and ramps are clear of snow. Street needs a plow? Submit a 311 Request

Instructions for Filing with the Revere Conservation Commission




  1. Filings are required for projects subject to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 131 Section 40, The Wetland Protection Act and Title 16 Environment Chapter 16.04 Wetlands Protection of the Revised City of Revere Ordinances. The Massachusetts State Building Code 780 CMR 3107.0 FLOOD-RESISTANT CONSTRUCTION details requirements for residential and commercial structures in flood prone areas.
  2. Any proposed project within the affecting coastal or inland waters of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts within the City of Revere is required to make filing prior to proceeding and receiving a building permit if required.
  3. Any project that disturbs the ground will require a permit. Activities including installation of a foundation for a home or business, installation of foundations for a porch or other structure, paving of a walkway or a driveway, any filing and adding soil to create a lawn require a filing. Any existing structure which is altered greater than 50% which includes work below the flood height in the 100 flood zone year requires a filing.
  4. Most projects will require the filing of a Notice of Intent (NOI). Some smaller projects may only require the filing of a Request for Determination (RDA). A NOI may still be required after the Conservation Commission makes a determination in response to a RDA. Filing of an NOI directly usually saves time. RDA’s are filled to determine whether a NOI filing is required. RDA’s are also used to determine what resources areas are affected by the project and the limits of those resource areas are prior to filing a NOI. RDA’s can also be utilized to determine whether a project is subject to the City of Revere’s Wetlands Bylaws. Most projects in Revere requiring the filing of a NOI are subject to filing under Revere’s Wetlands Bylaws. However the filing of one NOI is valid for both the WPA and the City of Revere Wetlands Bylaws.
  5. The proponent is required to obtain the correct forms from the Revere Conservation Commission or the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. These forms and instructions are available on line at Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Wetlands Permitting Forms and Instructions. Some filings can be done on line at DEP’s website, eDEP , check the site for applicability.
  6. State Regulations regarding the Wetland Protection Act are 310CMR10.00.
  7. The typical impacted resource (s) in the City of Revere, are coastal resources. However inland resources may also be affected.
  8. Public Hearings are required for NOI’s. Most filings require a continuation of the public hearing from the first meeting at which an application is heard to the following month's meeting due to scheduling of site visits in between and assignment of file number and comments from DEP.
  9. Public Meetings are required for RDA's.
  10. Public Notice is required for all hearings and meetings by publication in the local paper at least seven days before the public hearing. The local paper is the Revere Journal (telephone: 781-485-0588; fax 781-485-1403) and is published week on Wednesday, which means that usually notice is published the week before the meeting is held. You usually need to get the Public Notice to the newspaper for publication by Noon on the Monday before publication. If the Monday is a holiday or there is a holiday on the following Tuesday or Wednesday, you will need to get the Public Notice to the Revere Journal the Thursday before publication. The proponent is required to pay for the public hearing publication directly to the Revere Journal and provide proof that the hearing has been advertised.
  11. RDA Filings: Requests for Determination of Applicability require MA DEP WPA Form 1. Fill out Section A including your name and/or applicant and address (Section A1.), the name of a representative if any (Section A2), what you want the Revere Conservation Commission to determine (Section B1), the property address, map/plat, block, parcel/lot numbers (Section C1a., map, block and parcel are available from the City of Revere Assessors Office 781-286-8170), describe your project (Section C1B) , reference any maps/plans that you have for the project which you will submit with the application (Section C1C.), and describe the proposed work. Section C2A.). After you have read the regulations and think your project is regulated under the WPA is exempt fill out the section that applies (Section C2Bc.) If you know whether you are within jurisdiction of the Rivers Act, a resource with special rules under the WPA, check the appropriate category (Section C3A). Fill out Section C3B to support what you checked in Section C3A if applicable. Fill out the section for name and address of the property owner, who if not you needs to be notified and sent a copy of the RDA (Section D). Sign and date application and please email all documents and plans to and submit 1 original and 3 copies to the City of Revere Conservation Commission, 281 Broadway, Revere, MA 02151 at least 14 business days before the next scheduled meeting.  As per the City of Revere ordinance 16.04.030 B., copies of the application shall also be sent by certified mail, to the city council, the planning board and the board of health. Send a copy to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, Northeast Regional Office (DEP NERO, 150 Presidential Way, Woburn, MA 01801 --  978-694-3200)
  12. NOI Filings: Notice of Intent filings require MA DEP WPA Form 3 (in some cases it may be possible to use Form 4, the Abbreviated Notice of Intent. Fill out the project location (Section A1). Fill out your name and/or applicant and address (Section A2). Fill out the name and address of the property owner (Section A3). Fill out the name and address of a representative if any (Section A4). Fill out the WPA Fee Paid (Section A5, this amount depends on the type of project and what resources are impacted, this is one of the last things you will fill in). Provide a general description of your project (Section A6). Check the appropriate category for your project (Section A7). Get from the Suffolk County Registry of deeds or Land Court the appropriate listing reference for the last property transfer recorded affecting this property (Section A8). what you want the Revere Conservation Commission to determine, the property address, map/plat, block, parcel/lot numbers (map, block and parcel are available from the City of Revere Assessors Office 781-286-8170), reference any maps/plans that you have for the project which you will submit with the application, And describe the proposed work.. After you have read the regulations and think your project is regulated under the WPA is exempt fill out the section that applies (Section 2Bc.) If you know whether you are within jurisdiction of the Rivers Act, a resource with special rules under the WPA , check the appropriate category (Section 3A). If Fill out the section for name and address of the property owner, who if not you needs to be notified and sent a copy of the RDA (Section D). Fill out Section 3B to support what you checked in Section 3A if applicable. Sign and date application and email all documents and plans to and submit 1 original and 3 copies to the City of Revere Conservation Commission, 281 Broadway, Revere, MA 02151 at least 14 business days before the next scheduled meeting. As per the City of Revere ordinance 16.04.030 B., copies of the application shall also be sent by certified mail, to the city council, the planning board and the board of health.  Send a copy to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, Northeast Regional Office (DEP NERO, 150 Presidential Way, Woburn, MA 01801 --  978-694-3200)
  13. Abutter Notification: NOI filings require notification of abutters within one hundred feet of the property boundary line. Copies of Notice of Public Meeting are to be sent by registered mail return receipt at least seven days prior to the date of the public hearing by the applicant. A listing of abutters can be obtained from the City of Revere Assessors Office.
  14. Fees: No applications will be heard without the correct fee having been paid to both the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the City of Revere as applicable. Fees paid to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts are required to be accompanied by MADEP Wetland Fee Transmittal Form and are to be sent to Department of Environmental Protection, Box 4062, Boston, MA 02211.
  15. File Numbers: No orders are given without a file number assigned from the Department of Environmental Protection. File Numbers can be obtained by e-filing with eDEP or by regular mail.
  16. Online Resources: Many resources are available over the Internet from various websites of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the Federal Government including online filing, wetlands mapping and information pertaining to Natural Heritage and Endangered Species and Area of Critical Environmental Concern programs.
  17. Completed Application: A completed application submitted to the Revere Conservation Commission must contain an original and three copies of the following: Notice of Intent Application, Storm water Management Form (if Applicable), NOI Wetland Fee Transmittal w/Fee, FEMA Flood Zone Map, Locus Map, Wetland Resource Areas Map, Layout/Property Plan, Architectural Plan (if Applicable), List of Submissions, Copy of Legal Notice/Abutters Notification. Only need to receive 1 set of full size original plans and the 3 copies can be smaller versions for the commissioners. 


Downloadable Forms in MSWord are available on DEP's Website

Wetlands and Waterways Forms

Links below are to Online Adobe Acrobat PDF's

MADEP WPA Form 1 Request for Determination of Applicability

WPA Form 3: Wetlands Notice of Intent |

Instructions for MADEP WPA Form3 Notice of Intent

WPA Form 4: Abbreviated Notice of Intent |

Wetlands Permitting Forms | Request for Department Action Transmittal Form

MADEP WPA Form7 Request for an Extension of Orders of Condition

MADEP Wetland Fee Transmittal Form

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