Birds on a beach

Conservation Commission

The Revere Conservation Commission protects the wetlands of the City by controlling the activities deemed to have a significant effect upon wetland values, including but not limited to the following: public or private water supply, groundwater, flood control, erosion control, storm damage prevention, water pollution, fisheries, shellfish, wildlife, recreation and aesthetics.

About The Commission

The Revere Conservation Commission works in conjunction with the Mayor's Office, the City Council and other city departments and boards particularly with the Inspectional Services Department, Planning Department and Department of Public Works.

The control of activities is achieved through permitting required under Chapter 131 Section 40 of Massachusetts General Laws (The Wetlands Protection Act) and Title 16 of the Revere City Ordinances. The Revere Conservation Commission is also responsible for enforcement activities resulting from violations of the Wetlands Protection Act and Title 16.


The Revere Conservation Commission typically meets the first Wednesday of every month at 7pm at the Revere City Council Chambers, Revere City Hall, 281 Broadway, Revere, Massachusetts. Notice of meetings are posted on the city calendar and on Revere Conservation Page.

June 4, 2024 Meeting 7:30 pm - Deadline to be on the Agenda is May 22, 2024

July 10, 2024 Meeting 7:00 pm - Deadline to be on the Agenda is June 26, 2024

August 7, 2024 Meeting 7:00 pm - Deadline to be on the Agenda is July 24, 2024

September 4, 2024 Meeting 7:00 pm - Deadline to be on the Agenda is August 21, 2024


  • Does your land have "standing water"?
  • Does your property "pool" with water after a rainstorm or winter storm?
  • Do you have "phragmites" or common reed or water loving trees/wild plants on your lot?
  • Is your land near to or abutt a stream, river, or the ocean?
  • Is your land close to the Salt Marsh or what appears to be Marshland?
  • Are you in a "flood plain" according to the FEMA maps?
  • Do you pay “flood' insurance” ?
  • Does your lot abutt known conservation land?

If you answer yes to any of these questions, you are in an area likely subject to the jurisdiction of the Revere Conservation Commission.

Wetlands Protection Act

Massachusetts General Law Chapter 131 Section 40 the 'Wetlands Protection Act' is the governing law for enforcement of environmental regulations in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Local communities are allowed to have their own Wetland Bylaws or Ordinances to further protect wetlands within their jurisdiction. The City of Revere Revised Municipal Ordinance has a section entitled Title 16 Environment Chapter 16.04 Wetlands Protection. Some additional requirements for constructing in wetlands in Revere are contained in the Title 17 Zoning section of the City of Revere Revised Municipal Ordinances.

Filings before the Conservation Commission are made to determine whether the proposed work is significant to the statutorily protected interests of the Wetlands Protection Act.

Public Records Requests

The Revere Conservation Commission is subject to the Public Records Law. Revisions to the Law become effective January 1, 2017. The state maintains a web page on the public records law that can be viewed here. 

View meeting minutes and videos.

FEMA Flood Regulations

Make a FEMA National Flood Insurance Program Claim

Forms, Links and Resources

The Powers and Duties of Conservation Commissions are governed by Massachusetts: General Laws Chapter 40 Section 8c.


View Conservation Commission Maps


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