Snow Advisory

The snow emergency parking ban has been lifted. As a reminder to residents and businesses, the City requires that sidewalks and ramps are clear of snow. Street needs a plow? Submit a 311 Request

Consumer Affairs

Consumer Affairs Office works with the Attorney General’s Office providing consumer information, resources and education.  We offer a free, voluntary mediation service that tries to help resolve matters between consumers and merchants outside of court.
Serving the following fourteen communities:

Have a complaint?

If you feel your rights as a consumer have been violated, please file a complaint with the Attorney General's Office:

File a Complaint Online

If you just need information or would like to better understand a consumer issue, review the information on our website or call our Consumer Hotline at (617) 727-8400.


If you believe you have been a victim of fraud, deception or unfair business practice this office can assist you in resolving a complaint through an informal process of mediation.

In mediation, neutral third party-mediator-helps you and the other party try to resolve the problem through facilitated dialogue. However, it is up to you and the other party to reach an agreement.

In order to determine whether your situation is appropriate for our mediation service, you must first file a complaint with our office. Your complaint will be reviewed, if suitable, it will be assigned to mediator.

Trained mediators contact merchants in an attempt to provide effective assistance to consumers in resolving complaints.

It is important to note that we cannot require a merchant to participate in this voluntary mediation program. However, many businesses do choose to participate and as a result, mediation is able to help many individuals resolve consumer problems.

Your Right When You Shop

Protecting Your Credit Right

Forms and Links

Buying a Used Car

The Massachusetts Used Vehicle Warranty law protects consumers who buy used cars. It applies to dealers or private sellers. Under this law:

  • A dealer must give you a written warranty against safety defects, and
  • private sellers need to tell you about any defects or safety issues.

A seller can offer repairs, a refund, or a repurchase as a way to pay you back for a defective car, but not all vehicles or defects are eligible for a repurchase.

For more information, call the Consumer Affairs Hotline at 1-888-283-3757

Staying Safe Online

Millions of young children use the Internet daily. Parents need to know about the dangers the Internet poses to children. Studies show that:

  • one out of every 17 children feel threatened or harassed online
  • one out of every five children receive sexual solicitation online, and
  • one in four children see unwanted sexual material.

Children don't always tell their parents when these incidents happen, so parents should track how their children use the Internet.

Home Improvement and Contracting

Contact Information & Hours
City Hall
281 Broadway
Revere, MA 02151
Mon. 8 am – 7 pm
Tues. 8 am – 5 pm*
Wed. 8 am – 5 pm
Thur. 8 am - 5 pm
Fri. 8 am - 12 pm

*Open till 7pm following Monday holiday
Nicholas Romano

Madeline Lopez
Consumer Advocate
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