Auditor & Budget

The Auditing Department prepares complete and accurate statements of the City’s financial condition.

About Us

The Audit Department is responsible for the development and oversight of the Annual City Budget and protects the fiduciary interests of the City by ensuring that the financial records are accurately maintained and preserved while utilizing sound audit and accounting practices in accordance with GAAP and local, state, and federal laws.

The Audit Department responsibilities includes but is not limited to the annual preparing of the Schedule A and Free Cash Certification filings, creating and filing 1099’s, working closely with the Mayor and other City Departments to set the Annual Tax Rate, developing and updating of the annual Budget, monthly monitoring of actual expenditures, processing vendor invoices, submitting warrants for payment, reviewing weekly payroll, analyzing and reconciling department accounts, assets, and liabilities, providing support and training for POS system and working directly with department staff to ensure accuracy of MUNIS system.

The City Auditor is the Ex-Officio member of the City’s Retirement Board and has oversight over the Retirement Board Staff also located within City Hall.

Annual Budgets

Financial Statements


Contact Information & Hours
Mon. 8 am – 7 pm
Tues. 8 am – 5 pm*
Wed. 8 am – 5 pm
Thur. 8 am - 5 pm
Fri. 8 am - 12 pm

*Open till 7pm following Monday holiday
Richard Viscay
Director of Finance, Auditor, Budget Director
Kevin Dacey
Assistant Auditor
Assunta Newton
Assistant Budget Director
Brenda Iafrate
Administrative Assistant
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