Revere High School is the Best 2014 Urban School in the United States
May 28, 2014
At its 2014 National Excellence in Urban Education Symposium held on May 21 - May 23, in San Diego, CA, the National Center for Urban School Transformation ( has nominated Revere High School as the Best 2014 Urban School in the United States with the GOLD Medal Award and a check of $5,000 dollars. In order to qualify for this national award, urban schools (elementary, middle, and high) around the nation had to apply and meet rigorous eligibility criteria (, successfully validate the application through a site visit and viva voice presentation at the National Symposium. From a large pool of 60 aspiring gold medal winners, 16 urban schools from all three categories have qualified for this prestigious national award. At the secondary level, three schools (Mallard Creek High School, NC; Revere High School, MA; and Thurgood Marshall Academy, DC) have qualified and Revere High School has proudly emerged as the biggest winner in this national academic competition. This is an historical landmark for an urban school with high poverty and transiency rates (80 percent of students are on free and reduced lunch), 27 languages spoken daily in school (62 district-wide), and a significant proportion of English language learners and special education students.
This Friday, May 30th, at 10:00 a.m., Revere High School and the School District will celebrate this prestigious national award at the school's field house. The Executive Director of NCUST, Dr. Joseph F. Johnson, will be coming to RHS to preside over the school banner presentation ceremony. A real transformation is taking place at our school and we want you to witness it; come and learn how our educators are creating the structures and building capacity that are result-driven despite the complex and multifaceted challenges they face every day.