Revere Board of Health Issues Guidance for Lowering COVID-19 Risk at Thanksgiving
November 10, 2020
Tuesday, November 10, 2020 – Today the Revere Board of Health issued guidance regarding lowering COVID-19 risks during Thanksgiving celebrations. Residents are strongly encouraged to consider the risks of traditional Thanksgiving celebrations. Larger, indoor gatherings with shared food and drink have been deemed “high-risk” by the Centers for Disease Control due to potential for direct and close contact, inability to maintain social distance and potential exposure of vulnerable individuals to asymptomatic individuals who are unknowingly carrying the virus.
On Tuesday, November 10, the Revere Board of Health recorded 41 new cases of COVID-19 in the City of Revere. The City is averaging 39.6 new cases a day and its 7-day average per capita is 73.3. The City's current levels of new case numbers are the highest it has recorded since April.
The Revere Board of Health is reminding residents that the safest way to celebrate Thanksgiving this year is at home with only the people they live with. However, if you are planning to gather with people outside of your household, there are ways to lower your risk:
- Limit gatherings to as few people as possible
- If possible, everyone should quarantine to the best of their ability for the two weeks leading up to Thanksgiving
- If possible, get tested two days before Thanksgiving and two days after
- Don’t share food, drinks or utensils
- Wear a mask as much as possible
- Avoid buffet-style eating
- Space out seating while eating and don’t crowd people into one table- put family groups at tables in multiple different rooms if possible
- Avoid physical contact like hugging, kissing, and shaking hands
- Avoid contact with others (quarantine, as much as possible) after the holiday