Middle School Dance To Be Held May 12; Part of Recreation Department's Expanded Offerings for Middle School Students
May 2, 2017
Earlier this year, the staff of the Revere Recreation department conducted a "listening tour" of Revere's middle schools, discussing with students what kinds of programming they would like to see added in the City.
As a result of this listening tour, a number of new initiatives have been announced by the Recreation Department as part of their focus on expanding offerings to middle school students.
The most recent addition to the calendar is a glow-in-the-dark dance for Revere students in grades 6 through 8. The dance will be held on May 12 from 6 PM to 9 PM at the Susan B. Anthony School gym (107 Newhall St).
This event will feature a photo booth, food, and white t-shirts that will be available for purchase. Tickets to the event are $15 in advance and $20 at the door, and are available to Revere residents only with proper school identification.
For tickets call 781-286-8190 or visit Revere Recreation at 150 Beach Street. Pre-registration is strongly recommended.
Revere Recreation's website has a new page which will be updated with information about programming for middle- and high school students (https://www.revererec.org/middleschoolprograms).
Other upcoming programs include free Open Gym time at the SBA gym (107 Newhall St), 6:30-9:30 PM on Friday May 19 - a pilot program with the plan of instituting regular open gym time in the fall.
In addition, Revere Recreation will host a brand new 4-on-4 soccer league for 4th through 12th grade students on Sundays from June 18 to August 6 at Oak Island Park.
Also new this school year is the All-Star Gaming Club, a weekly video and card/board game night at Revere Recreation on Thursdays from 3:00 to 5:30 PM, for grades 5-8. This is a free, drop-in program; no pre-registration is required.
For more information about all of these programs, contact Revere Recreation at 781-286-8190.