Mayor Arrigo Announces 2016 Senior Citizen Work-Off Abatement Program
June 3, 2016
Mayor Brian M. Arrigo is pleased to announce the implementation of the 2016 Senior Citizen Work-Off Abatement Program. The program allows for 50 seniors to work for a $750 property tax deduction and another 50 seniors to work for a $500 water bill reduction.
The Senior Citizen Work-Off Abatement Program allows one hundred (100) seniors to work a total of 62 ½ hours within various departments of the City. These seniors will work for an hourly wage, but rather than receiving a check every week, they will earn an abatement on their property taxes or water bills.
In order to qualify for the program, Revere residents must be at least 60 years of age and have to own and occupy their residence. Applicants must also meet income guidelines. Individuals can not have a total income greater than $45,000 annually. Married couples can not have a total income greater than $55,000. Proof of income will be required.
Abatements received under this program will be in addition to any other exemptions for which the senior is eligible. Abatements earned under this program will not be considered income or wages for the purpose of state income tax withholdings, unemployment compensation or worker’s compensation.
Applications will be available in the Mayor’s office on Monday, June 6, 2016. Applications must be completed and returned to the Mayor’s Office by the deadline date of Monday, July 11, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. No applications will be accepted beyond July 11th. If more seniors apply than we have spaces in the program, a lottery will be held in the City Council Chamber on Friday, August 5, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. for the purpose of selecting participants. In the interest of transparency, anyone may attend this lottery.
For more information regarding the Senior Citizen Work-Off Abatement Program, contact the Mayor’s Office at 781-286-8111.