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Mayor Announces “Beautify Revere” Series; First Cleanup Event April 16 at Oak Island Park

April 1, 2016

Mayor Brian Arrigo announced this week the launch of the “Beautify Revere” series, a set of cleanup events around the city scheduled throughout the year.

“Revere residents have shown a great willingness to pitch in and help keep our city clean,” said Mayor Arrigo. “We hope to build off this momentum with targeted events all over the city. In my mind, beautifying the City is a project for each and every day of the year. Hopefully these events can serve as a year-long reminder of the importance of keeping the city clean and treating our public spaces with respect.”

Each event will be held on a Saturday at 10 AM, with all Revere residents encouraged to attend and participate. Neighborhood organizations and businesses around the city will be partnering with cleanup events in their area to provide volunteers and support.

April 16: Oak Island Park
April 23: West Revere
April 30: North Revere
June 19: Gibson Park, Point of Pines
August 13: Revere Street Business District
August 27: Broadway Business District
October 15: Beachmont Square Business District
October 22: Rumney Marsh Burial Ground

Full details for each cleanup event will be shared in Revere’s newspapers, on the city’s website, and on social media, so stay tuned for more information throughout the year.

The first event, a cleanup of Oak Island Park on April 16, will help prepare the park for long-awaited renovations to the fields and play structures that are happening this year. The Oak Island Neighborhood Group will provide support and volunteers for the event, as will corporate partner Kelly’s Roast Beef.

For more information about Beautify Revere events, contact Revere Neighborhood Organizer Elle Baker at ebaker@revere.org.

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