City Officials to Hold Community Crime Watch Meeting on May 21s
April 18, 2013
Since taking office Mayor Rizzo has been committed to working with Chief Cafarelli, the City Council, and other community groups to expand, and reinvigorate, Crime Watch groups across the City of Revere. Large scale Community Crime Watch meetings have been held in nearly every Ward in the City in order to provide residents an access point to the Police Department. The establishment of a Neighborhood Substation on Broadway has also helped to promote community involvement and access to public safety.
Recently, a Community Crime Watch meeting was held at the American Legion Building on Broadway for residents of Ward 4. Over 50 residents were in attendance where they learned best practices for crime prevention and Crime Watch formation. Since that meeting, small groups of residents have been holding independent Crime Watch meetings in order to create a better sense of safety in their neighborhoods and our community.
The next Community Crime Watch meeting will be held on Tuesday May 21st at 7:00pm in the Jack Satter House Dining Room located at 420 Revere Beach Blvd. The meeting is mainly for residents of Ward 5 however all are welcomed to attend. Police officials will be talking about public safety and how you can do some very simple things to help keep you free from crimes that seem to increase with summer months fast approaching. It is also a great way to meet your neighbors and talk about these very important quality of life issues.
“Community Crime Watch meetings have been a great way for citizens to meet police officials and learn about the many ways to keep their home safe. We will continue to hold these meetings across the city with the hope that they will help to reinvigorate Crime Watch groups. Ensuring that our residents live in a safe community is my number one priority,” commented Mayor Rizzo.
If you would like to learn more, or get involved with Crime Watch activities, please contact the Mayor’s Office at or call 781-286-8111. Together, we can make Revere a safer and more integrated community.