Lead Service Line Inventory

In compliance with the Environmental Protection Agency's Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) the material of every known water source in the City can be found and searched for in the link below. This Service Line Inventory was created with the use of Statistical/Predictive Modeling to predict and identify the material of unknown service lines. Interactive Map

Early Voting

Early vote for the 2024 State Election at Revere City Hall from Saturday, October 19, to Friday, November 1. View Early Voting Hours

City of Revere Response to COVID-19: May 18, 2020 Update

May 18, 2020

Mayor Arrigo Outlines Revere Reopening Strategy 

Following State Guidelines, City Will Put People First, Support Phased Industry Openings & Expand Testing

**** Safer at Home Advisory in Effect **** 


May 18, 2020 – The City of Revere’s Emergency Response Team continues to monitor impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and develop policies and procedures to maintain public health and safety for all in Revere. As of May 18, the Revere Board of Health has been notified by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health of 1,482 positive cases of COVID-19 in the City of Revere. 58 residents have passed away; 834 residents have recovered from the virus. The city continues to see between ten and 15 new cases each day, on average. 

Today Mayor Arrigo provided additional details on how the City of Revere will implement and customize guidance provided by Governor Baker as the Commonwealth enters phase one of its plan to safely reopen. With the authority to implement more restrictive guidance, Revere’s Board of Health will continue to take action as needed to contain the spread of the virus in Revere. The City also continues to work toward expanded testing for residents, including mobile testing to keep residents safer at home. 

“Today is just the very start of what will be a deliberately slow and responsible road toward a ‘new normal,’” Mayor Arrigo said. “The report provided by Governor Baker and the Reopening Advisory Board provides us with solid guidance, but we have to remember that the city of Revere is among the hardest hit by this virus, and our reopening strategy must take that into account. We’ve seen some important improvements as a result of the sacrifices we all have made. We can’t let those sacrifices go to waste with a rush to reopen.”

Safer-at-Home Advisory

Today the Revere Board of Health adopted the Massachusetts Department of Public Health “Safer-at-Home” Advisory providing residents with updated guidelines on precautions they should continue to take throughout phase one of reopening: 

·       People over the age of 65 and people who have underlying health conditions should continue to stay home except for essential errands such as going to the grocery store and to attend to healthcare needs. 

·       All residents are advised to leave home only for healthcare, worship and permitted work, shopping, and outdoor activities

·       When going to the pharmacy ask if you can fill your prescriptions for 90 days if possible; for some medications this is not allowed. If you are at high-risk, try to use a mail-order service

·       Don’t participate in close contact activities such as pick-up sports games

·       All residents are REQUIRED to cover their face when they cannot maintain six feet of social distance in public

·       Parents should limit play dates for children

·       Refrain from visiting nursing homes, skilled nursing facilities, or other residential care settings

·       All residents are advised to wash their hands frequently for at least 20 seconds with soapy water

·       All residents are advised to be vigilant, monitor for symptoms and stay home if you feel sick

·       Use remote modes of communication like phone or video chat instead of visiting friends or family who are high risk for COVID-19

Collaboration with Impacted Organizations

Mayor Arrigo’s Revere Reopening Transition team has taken a number of steps to help prepare organizations impacted by today’s phase one guidance to reopen their operations: 

·       Today the Mayor’s Office initiated discussions with faith leaders across the City to support them in implementing the states’ guidance around restrictions and best practices for places of worship. 

·       Construction projects that had been previously paused have been asked to provide updated information related to their safety protocols in alignment with state guidance and will be permitted to open upon receipt of that documentation.

·       Industries slated for a May 25 reopening per the Commonwealth’s plan will receive additional guidance from the City this week. These industries include: Lab and office space; limited personal services including hair, pet grooming and car washes; and remote fulfillment and curbside pick-up for retail.

·       A series of listening sessions to gather additional information and feedback from the Revere business community are planned for this week:

o   Tuesday, May 19 @ 1:00 PM for grocery stores, convenience stores, and package stores; restaurants/bars, bakery and cafe; Big Box stores); Small retail; auto dealers and repair service. Register here.

o   Tuesday, May 19 @ 2:30 PM for livery/taxis; personal care facilities; recreation; professional services; real estate; and industrial/business cleaners. Register here.

o   Wednesday, May 20 @ 1:00 PM for child care providers; domestic workers; and health-related counseling services. Register here.

Data-Driven Reopening Strategy

Just as the Commonwealth will monitor public health data to determine the pace and trajectory of its phased reopening strategy, the Revere Board of Health will use city-specific data to guide its actions over the next several weeks. The City of Revere’s Contact Tracing Team will be closely monitoring data to identify any outbreaks of the virus, as well as the status of those residents who have contracted the virus. The City is also collaborating with Beth Israel Deaconess, Mass General, Cambridge Health Alliance and the East Boston Neighborhood Health Center to understand trends around the positive test rate of Revere residents at those testing sites. 



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Patrick M. Keefe Jr.
Linda DeMaio
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