West Nile Virus

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) has raised the risk level of West Nile Virus from moderate to high in Revere and surrounding communities. Learn more

City of Revere Response to COVID-19: March 13, 2020 Update

March 13, 2020

Recreation Center, Public Library, Community Center Closed, Effective Monday; Programming to Continue Virtually

Revere Public Schools Closed, Virtual Instruction to Begin Thursday, March 19

City Hall Continues Normal Business Operations

March 13, 2020 – The City of Revere is closely monitoring the COVID-19 outbreak in Massachusetts and taking proactive steps to support containment efforts and prepare for further spread of the disease. While there are no presumed or confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the City of Revere as of today, March 13, 2020, the City expects this to change. “We’re continuing to step up our mitigation efforts to do our part in slowing the spread of the coronavirus disease,” said Mayor Arrigo. “It’s no surprise to me that the Revere community has pulled together during this uncertain time - including our public servants and residents who have already set to work to help others in need.” 

City Services Updates

Today Mayor Arrigo announced the closure of several public buildings, including the Recreation Center, Public Library, and Community Center, effective Monday. The Senior Center remains closed to the public. Programming normally provided within these buildings will be made available to the public online and via Revere TV starting next week. 

Revere Public Schools are closed until further notice. Plans to support students and their families while schools are closed, including meal services and virtual learning, will be made available at RevereK12.org. 

Residents are urged to take advantage of online services to avoid entering public buildings, however City Hall and other city services are maintaining normal operations at this time. Revere 311 remains fully staffed and residents with questions or concerns are encouraged to reach the City by dialing 311 (or 781-286-8311) or emailing Revere311@revere.org. Comcast is providing low-cost internet access for low-income households. 

Today the City also established a volunteer database for individuals seeking to lend a helping hand over the next several weeks. Volunteers who register with the City will be contacted once assignments are identified. 

The Mayor’s Emergency Response Team is participating in daily briefings and coordinating response efforts across City departments. City officials are also joining daily briefings with state and federal officials. All updates for Revere residents are being shared regularly at Revere.org and via social media. 


Health & Wellbeing of Vulnerable Populations

The City remains focused on proactively supporting populations at higher risk of developing serious COVID-19 illness, including older people and people of all ages with severe underlying health conditions. Residents should refrain from visiting these vulnerable populations in person and instead check in by phone. Other actions taken include:  

  • The establishment of a network to connect with senior citizens throughout the City to allow for ongoing phone wellness check-ins
  • Partnership with Rite-Aid secured to offer delivery of prescription medications, and ongoing outreach to CVS Pharmacy and Walgreens to establish partnership commitments 
  • Outreach to all public and private facilities housing seniors in the City of Revere to establish information sharing protocols
  • Outreach to residents traditionally served by the Senior Center to determine ongoing needs for daily meal delivery
  • Ongoing coordination with our service provider Mystic Valley to begin planning for extension of services offered to seniors

Actions for All Revere Residents to Take

The Centers for Disease Control has advised the best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus, and has provided a number of basic steps all citizens can take to protect themselves, including: washing your hands often, avoiding close contact with those who are sick, staying home when sick, covering coughs and sneezes, and cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces.

Revere Emergency Preparedness

City of Revere public safety and health teams are participating in regular briefings with the Massachusetts Emergency Management Authority (MEMA) and are prepared to dispatch emergency volunteers within the city as needed. As of right now, City business continues as usual and the public will be updated of any changes.



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